Why some human helpers are ditching their office and going digital

Why some human helpers are ditching their office and going digital

If you have realized that working online is for you and it really fills you up and your clients enjoy it - ditching your physical office space may be your next move. We know it can be scary - but we are here to support you during this transition. We believe in empowering each clinician to find the business practices that work best for them and then assisting them in reaching those goals.

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Opening a Mental Health Private Practice in Kentucky

Opening a Mental Health Private Practice in Kentucky

Opening a private practice is a lot of work and tough because it is likely requiring you to do lots of things you have never done before and maybe at the same time when you are wrapping up on your schooling, working another job, caring for your family, etc. Though we cannot promise that it won’t be hard work - we can take off some of the heavy load from you and assist you by giving you a framework to build the practice of your dreams from.

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How To Lower Your Overhead Of Your Wellness Practice

How To Lower Your Overhead Of Your Wellness Practice

If you are a human helper who is just starting out or predominantly works online and is seeking practice building resources, community, marketing assistance and more for an affordable monthly cost - our virtual membership may be the best fit for you! Will keep your practice overhead low - while still providing you with all you need for success.

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What is the best business entity for your private practice?

What is the best business entity for your private practice?

You know you want to start your own private practice. That’s awesome! Now… how do you get started? First, you need to determine which business entity is right for you and your business. Think I’m speaking a second language? Read our quick breakdown of the most common types of entities and which is best for different types of independent wellness practices. This will help give you a starting point in making your business official.

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Podcasts That Will Help You Build Your Private Practice

Podcasts That Will Help You Build Your Private Practice

In the beginning stages of building my own business I listened to a lot of How I Built This. This is a fantastic podcast and I got a lot of inspiration from some of the most amazing and successful companies around the world. But on a larger scale, I had a hard time applying a lot of the information to my day to day practice and business building. I knew there had to be podcasts out there that could help me. Maybe podcasts made my therapists, for therapists to help learn the ins and outs. Maybe one to help me continue growing as a business owner and therapist. And boy did I found some.

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Unpopular Route: Grad School --> Private Practice

Unpopular Route: Grad School --> Private Practice

Who out there is a believer that everyone must do agency work after graduate school and that new clinicians shouldn’t enter the workforce through private practice? I hear a lot of you saying “preach sister, yes you must must must do agency work first” and I get it, I really do. But then I hear some others out there saying “nah, do as you want, it’s your life, your career, and your choice”, and I happen to align more with this outlook. 

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